Kenyan Thriller Movie “40 Sticks” debuts on Netflix

In this Kenyan thriller directed by Victor Gatonye, a group of prisoners trapped in a crashed prison bus strives to stay alive when they realize there is a mysterious killer lurking in the shadows.

The movie was shot in Nairobi across multiple locations over in February 2019, and was produced by SensePlay in partnership with Film Studios Kenya, Bingi Media and Ogopa Inc.

’40 Sticks’ is based on a fictional story by Frank G. Maina, directed by Victor Gatonye, written by Voline Ogutu, and produced by Fakii Liwali.

It stars some of Kenya's seasoned actors such as Robert Ageng’o, Cajetan Boy, Mwaura Bilal, and Arabron Nyyneque alongside Xavier Ywaya, Shiviske Shiviski and Andreo Kamau.

The story, told in both Swahili and English, goes through various twists, keeping the audience entertained throughout the entire 92 minutes, making this African movie one to watch with pride.

40 Sticks is available on Netflix in the US as of November 20, 2020.


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