What a year! 2020 was supposed to be the symbol of perfection vision (20/20) but ended up being a very challenging year, full of surprises. A worldwide pandemic attack with COVID-19 (still ongoing), followed by a market crash in March sending the stock market to an unprecedented volatility stage, and closing with a never seen before US Election that drew more than 80 million votes, exposing the division within the country.
Yet, just like any other year before, it came to an end today, leaving room for the brand new year 2021 that is carrying on the hope of an entire globe. Humanity has been shaken to its core but will survive, just like before (READ). We celebrate the end of a troubled year and lift the new year with new hopes and dreams.
What to expect for 2021?
First, the world will continue its battle with the COVID-19 global pandemic. With new strains coming up, this battle is far from over. 2021 will just see a world fighting back; The push for more vaccines and more control will be inevitable. With scientists still predicting the worst on the horizon, the key will be to not lose focus as more solutions are being delivered. WEAR YOUR MASK. A simple preventive solution, yet, drowned in unnecessarily politicized battles.
New technologies will also be displayed in 2021. The good thing about hardships, it brings innovation. The human race is wired to the desire for survival. We strive to stay alive. In doing so, the pandemic will push for new technologies such as driverless delivery systems, remote healthcare solutions. Human interactions will diminish and lead the way to more virtual and machine interactions. The existing green technologies will also see a boost as people will be more open to adopting new ways of doing things. Electric vehicles, solar and wind power, battery-powered houses, just to name a few, will be the place to invest in.
What About Africa?
Africa will have a wave to ride that can be either beneficial or detrimental to the continent, depending on the actions of its leaders. With the new technologies rising, there will be an increasing need for natural resources, such as those found in the African continent. Additionally, with Africa being the most youthful continent (with more youth than anywhere else), there could be a shift in manufacturing labor as the old population in highly developed countries will seek cheap labor and youth creativity. There have already been talks among high silicon valley companies such as Microsoft and Facebook pushing for their expansion in Africa. African decision-makers will be the ones to cut the deals that can either benefit the continent or drive it to a new slavery era where Africa and African get to bail out the world again while taking all the damages. This is the year to hold African leaders accountable for every single decision they take for their countries. This will dictate the future of Africa for many years to come.
African countries will also see a lot of change in powers as many of its countries are currently being governed by very aging leaders. Sorry to disappoint, but no one lives forever. Change in powers has always been a struggle for African countries; we hope that all power changes are done with less war and with the vision of a better Africa.
Just like in previous years, all we can do is hope for a better future. A better future for our children and their children; but it all starts with us. If everyone just commits to better themselves for the sake of our beautiful land, we may just be able to bring palpable changes to our communities. Let's continue to lift each other and keep the Hope alive. Wishing all our readers a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. #OneAfrica #United.