How to Pre-Poo [Beauty Tips by Coily Hair Care]
What is Pre-Poo? It is the process of applying an oil and/or conditioner to your hair prior to the cleansing process. Pre-pooing can be accomplished with the use of an oil, a conditioner, or a combination of both. The purpose of applying these substances to the hair is to protect the hair from being completely stripped of all oils, and to enhance moisture and/or conditioning during the cleansing process.
5 Ways to Burn More Fat & Tone Muscle With Weight Training
MANY people have the impression that the only benefit of weight training is to build muscle mass and get big. The truth is however, that weight training in its various forms is also great for burning fat and toning muscle.
Even if you’ve never been to a gym or are opposed to the idea of lifting heavy weights amongst a crowd of sweaty guys please shelve your skepticism and read on.
BIBI is dead; her body was found in the bushes yesterday.” Emeka, my husband had announced dispassionately after he got off the phone.
“Aha… …! I responded noncommittally without a flinch and cradled my frail little girl tighter to my chest.
You could have imagined by my impassionate response that he could have been announcing the weather or else we were the strangest or coldest couple that you know.
World Malaria Day – April 25, 2011
The theme of World Malaria Day 2011, Achieving Progress and Impact, highlights the successes of the past decade, as well as remaining challenges to achieving near zero deaths by 2015.
Five years ago, malaria killed nearly one million people each year—most of them children. In Africa alone, the burden of the disease cost the continent $12 billion a year in lost productivity.
50 million people lack clean water to drink in DRC
Some 90 per cent of the DRC’s rural population is dependent on groundwater and springs for drinking water
An estimated 51 million people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – or three quarters of the population – have no access to safe drinking water, even though the country holds over half of Africa’s water reserves, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said in a new study released today.
The country’s troubled legacy of conflict, environmental degradation, rapid urbanization and under-investment in water infrastructure has seriously affected the availability of drinking water, UNEP said in the study, unveiled to coincide with World Water Day.
Cameroon Medical Missions: Maryland, DC Luncheon – Mini Conference
African Women’s Development Foundation Inc and Hope Floats Initiative invite you to the 3rd Cameroon Medical Missions Luncheon and Mini Conference coming up April 16th in Maryland. Please kindly RSVP by return email or Phone call. Join us and network with a great team of Professionals, business men and women, Community leaders and very dynamic movers and shakers.
Sexual Affairs: To Tell or Not To Tell?
How honest can we be in relationships? This is a common concern among couples striving for intimate relationships.
Couples often discuss the importance of being honest and truthful within their relationships. A common question I’m asked is: “Should I tell my partner about a sexual affair”.
Health Reform: Putting Americans in Control of Their Health Care
THE HEALTH REFORM LEGISLATION has been signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010 . The Reform will make health care more affordable, make health insurers more accountable, expand health coverage to all Americans, and make the health system sustainable, stabilizing family budgets, the Federal budget, and the economy
Your Hearts. Your Choice
Every 37 seconds, someone dies from heart and blood vessel diseases, America’s No. 1 killer. Since most of those deaths are from coronary heart disease-about 446,000 each year-it’s important to learn all you can about heart attacks. Don’t ignore heart problems. It’s a matter of life and death!