Interview with the well-known international Congolese celebrity singer Kaysha. EXCLUSIVE ONLY AT ADUNAGOW Magazine.
AM: You were born in Congo. At what age did you leave the Congo?
Kaysha: I was born in Kinshasa, Zaire. Left in 1980 for France... Arriving in France, I discovered cold, snow, and another culture...
AM: How many siblings do you have?
Kaysha: We are 8, 5 girls, 3 boys...
AM: Where is home currently?
Kaysha: Anywhere my heart and suitcase is. I’m usually in Paris, Bruxelles & Lisbon.
AM: Your real name is Edward Mokolo Jr. Where does Kaysha come from? Any meaning associated with it?
Kaysha: It means Soul Harmony. In portuguese it also means complaint. It just came one day from nowhere.
AM: How many languages do you speak?
Kaysha: French, Spanish, English, Portugese, french Creole & Lingala.
AM: At what age did you start singing? Have you always wanted to be a performer?
Kasha: I started making noise with forks and knives around 6 or 7... At 8 I got my first synth machine and from then on, I was deep into making music. I started writing songs around 14 but was too shy to get on stage... Then got on stage finally and the noise from the ladies made me keep the microphone in the hand...
AM: How did you get started in the Music business?
Kaysha: I started by believing with a strong faith... There are so many ways, but the truth is, you just need to work hard and believe...
AM: How many albums have you released so far and what is you favorite one? Why?
Kaysha: 5 solos and a lot of albums for others... I have no favorite because they all represent a moment in my life... From the ready for the world moments to the nothing to prove moments...
AM: To what can you attribute your fame/success in Africa?
Kaysha: I think that’s a question for the listeners... I just do music from the heart, the rest is not in my hands. I have no big majors behind me or huge promotions compaigns. So it must be a heart to heart thing...
AM: What’s next in the horizon for Kaysha?
Kaysha: More music, more love, deep stuff and revolution one step at a time...
I’m not one to tell the future, but I know where is the sun and I’m going that way...
AM: Have you thought about tackling Hollywood?
Kaysha: Better thought, make independant african films the same way I did independant music...I don’t like to have people telling me what I should do and how my art should look or sound.
So big studios, only for some big projects, other than that: my own thing...
AM: Will you be getting in into the Movie production business?
Kaysha: I’m starting with video clips right now, but I have stuff in the workshops...
AM: How can you describe your music? What are the sources of your inspirations?
Kaysha: My sources are love, life, experience, family, landscapes, travelling, other musicians. My music ear candy...
AM: Do you have any plans in the future in becoming a producer for aspiring African artists?
Kaysha: I’m doing that already with my label Sushiraw...I did 3 albums for Elizio, 1 for Teeyah, 3 for Soumia, etc... I already launched the carrers of successful and talented people...
AM: What is the craziest thing you have ever experienced during stage performance?
Kaysha: Once I was performing and fell badly and hurt myself so bad I couldn’t stand back up for 1 minute.... Fans started screaming thinking it was a dance move, so I stayed there and kept on faking the funk crying in my head...(laughs)
AM: Any crazy stalkers/Fans?
Kaysha: yeah, people want some crazy stuff... I saw it all, from tattoos with my name on boobs to guys crying to people threatening to kill themselves... It can become scary sometimes...
AM: Any plans for collaboration with America artists? i.e. Rihanna?
Kaysha: No plans really, but I’m always open... My way of thinking is I got all the talent I need around me in my crew, but if something pops up, I’ll go for it...
AM: Can you tell us about the awards you have won throughout your career?
Kaysha: Well, I won a lot. From the useless ones to the big meaningful ones...Let’s just talk about the ones that meant something...
3 Koras: best artist, and 2 best diaspora
1 nomination for the european mtv awards and the best of them all: the pride of my parents
AM: Who are your role models in the music industry? In life?
Kaysha: In life: My parents. In the music industry? No one
AM: What’s a typical day for you?
Kaysha: Well, I usually wake up around 1pm because I work late at the studio.
Make beats after I surf, update my websites myspace facebook etc... Then go for a drink then the movies, and after that, studio all night... That’s a typical work day... Other times, I take the plane then reach a city to meet fans and perform and connect...
Kaysha: Nah, he’s too young right now, he’s better at school...
We always lived life this way and I hope it’s not too hard for him and I try to make the best of it so he can be proud...
AM: Sushiraw: Can you tell us more about your present and future plans?
Kaysha: right now we have 10 albums in the works from all the artists... Soumia, Thayna, Elizio, Mika Mendes, Shawnce, etc etc... For the future, we are branching out everywhere... Because everybody has their own dreams and the team is working to fulfill them... But one step at a time...
AM: Your videos are very well made. Where do you get your inspirations?
Kaysha: Well, the ones I directed are totally improvised on location, like the last one in Brazil" Something going on"... Nothing written, just people and places and I find ideas... Just like the way I make music or write...The others, I have talented people around me... The family...
AM: You have traveled the world. What city captivated you the most?
Kaysha: Rio de Janeiro... Nuff said...
AM: What do you do for fun?
Kaysha: I go to movies, clubs, drink cocktails... I can stay online for hours on msn, twitter, facebook, myspace, I also like to decorate my appartment or do shopping with my buddies, we worse than ladies...
AM: Can you name one thing that people will never guess about you?
Kaysha: Well, I’d rather keep them in the dark...
AM: Any girlfriend? Are you in relationship, or still living the single life?
Kaysha: Just got back to the single life last week... Feels bad, but feels good at the same time... I’m freeeeeee !!! (laughs)
AM: You’re a successful performer and artist. Will you let your son follow your music path?
Kaysha: Whatever he wants to do as long as he works hard and with dedication...But as my father told me when I was young... School comes first...
When you get good education, you do what you please...
AM: What’s the number one issue to deal with in Africa? What’s your take (solution) on it?
Kaysha: A change in mentalities of the whole continent... I have no solutions, except wait for a new generation to arrive but this said generation is born in places with no education other than the streets... So let’s build a new Africa for the next generation...
AM: About Africa: what will you change? What will you keep?
Kaysha: Change: Turn all the people with the "help me occident" mindset to people thinking "let us help ourselves and become powerful among ourselves then deal with these people on a different level"
Keep: The culture
AM: What African town do you enjoy visiting most?
Kaysha: I gotta visit more of them before I tell that... But I love Kinshasa, Abidjan, Johanesburg, Maputo, Ouagadougou, etc...
AM: You are an African icon when it comes to music. Have you ever been approached by African organizations for promoting goodwill and well fare?
Kaysha: Not that much...
AM: The whole Africa loves you. How did you manage to break through culture differences and be accepted by everyone?
Kaysha: Well, I didn’t go the usual african way: "Promote your country, your music, your town, your street"... I’m a real panafricanist. United we will be strong and we fail now because we are everything except united...
AM: Any last words?
Kaysha: Life is like a river, you are never in the same water twice.
AM: Thank you Kaysha for taking the time to chat with us. We wish you success in all your endeavours.