It’s officially a revolution in the United States of America. And this one involves our beautiful African-American ladies, but we may extend that term to all “black” women in the United States, including Africans (non-Americans). A new wave is sweeping our ladies and it’s called “The Big Chop.”
The big chop is a process involving cutting off your relaxed or permed hair as you transition from chemically processed hair to natural hair. Basically, going back to your true natural hair and staying away from the chemicals. Yes, Afro is back and the ladies are bringing it back with a vengeance.
Whether you’re planning to do a big chop soon or are anxiously awaiting for your TWA to blossom into a full-out ‘fro, here are some words of wisdom: Your hair can and will grow with the proper regimen and a little dose of TLC.

Moisturize and Seal Your Ends
Did you know that the ends of your hair are mostly fragile since they are the oldest section of your hair? Keeping the ends hydrated properly will prevent breakage and splits. Moisturize your ends regularly with water and water-based products (oils and butters are great for sealing in that moisture).
Avoid constant Hair Styling
Styling and combing your natural hair excessively may lead to short hair length retention. Choose styles that will keep your fragile hair ends tucked away such as braids, twists or updos. Go for low-maintenance hairstyles such as topknot, which you’d only need to touch up two to three times per week.
Protect Your Hair While You Sleep
Cotton fabrics will absorb moisture out of your hair while you sleep. So, pick a pillowcase that will protect your hair. Satin scarves and pillowcases will provide a smooth barrier that hair strands can glide across without hair damage and friction.
Stay away from “Too-Tight” Hairstyles
Braids and twists are recommended for length retesting styles, but they will damage your hair if they’re done with excess tension. Don’t strangle your hair! You should never feel headaches or soreness during or after getting your hair done. These are signs that your hairstyle is too tight and could lead to hair loss or breakage.
Other tips to consider: washing your hair in small sections to avoid tangles, take care of your scalp to encourage hair growth (massage it using your fingers, not sharp combs), trim your hair to remove split ends, and detangle your hair frequently and gently using the proper tools such as wide smooth combs.
There are many other ideas out there, and we encourage you to do your research. With patience and consistency, you too will be able to have a stunning natural ‘fro that will be the envy of your permed up friends. natural is a way to go and it’s sexy. Go ahead, join the “Bigh Chop” wagon and keep us updated on your progress!