AI Development in Africa: A Glimpse into the Future
Africa is at a transformative juncture in its journey toward development. Among the catalysts propelling the continent forward is the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI).
Tech Innovations: Africa’s Rise in the Digital Revolution
Africa’s tech revolution is not just a story of progress; it’s a narrative of resilience, creativity, and the transformative power of innovation.
10 Reasons Why Africa is the Next Global Tech Hub
Africa is the next global tech hub, and there are numerous reasons why. From a young and tech-savvy population to a growing number of successful tech startups, the continent is poised for success.
Facebook Hacked…again
Another data breach exposing more than 50 million Facebook users; for the first time, I’m considering pulling the plug on that application.
South Africa Launches New Space Agency (SANSA)
JOHANNESBURG – South Africa unveiled its national space agency on Thursday, aiming to become a leader in earth observation technology across the continent in 10 years, the minister of science and technology said.
The agency, called SANSA (South African National Space Agency) which already has two micro-satellites, will produce timely data imagery to help detect natural disasters and monitor water resources around South Africa and the continent, Pandor said at the launch.
The new agency, which aims to bring together previously un-allied experts in the field, will also seek to revive several space facilities that were mothballed in the 1990?s during apartheid rule, said a government official.
Products That Didn’t Survive In the Last Decade
Several of the best-funded and most-publicized tech launches of the last ten years have ended in failure. Many large technology companies which had significant market share and product advantages in large industries lost those advantages.