So, COVID-19 is not going away anytime soon. Bottom line, we need to be prepared to cope with this disease for a long time. Additionally, viruses tend to mutate. I would not be surprised if we see different types of COVID-19 related diseases soon.
So, what to do? Everyone is so tired of living inside, isolated from each other. The leaders communicated temporary confinement as a solution, but this will no longer be the case. We need to be prepared for the long-run impacts on every level: economic, social, and much more. We need to move out of the temporary mindset and start thinking long term counter-reactions.
What to do right now:
- Be safe. Avoid contact with sick people.
- Monitor your temperature.
- Monitor your senses of smell and taste. These are the quick way of checking yourself.

As the scientists in the world work hard to come up with a solution such as a vaccine, and our medical teams of doctors and nurses taking care of the interim solutions, we can help by abiding by the local government advice, continuing to self confine ourselves as needed, wearing protective personal equipment such as masks and glove in crowded and public places, and refrain from thinking our freedom means we can do anything we want. Your freedom ends when it starts affecting others' freedom. Think about it. If you don't want to wear a mask, then accept the fact that you should not be mingling where people are wearing masks. If you want to continue socializing in big groups, then don't visit people that are self confining themselves away from crowds. Keep your own risk to yourself.
Again, this virus is here for the long run, and we need to adapt to live with it, respect it, and take time to find the best solution to its eradication. we need to remain vigilant, individually, and collectively.