Clayton County Cultural Celebration 2011!
Saturday April 16, 2011 • 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Clayton County Performing Arts Center | 2530 Mount Zion PKWY | Jonesboro, GA
Join Queen Fifi Soumah, Miss Africa USA - Special Guest - Celebrate Culture and Diversity in Historical Clayton County, Georgia
Help to raise funds for several community non-profits and
organizations including:
Clayton County Alzheimer Support Center;
Clayton County 4-H Program; Clayton County Grassroots
Leadership Institute; Elite Scholars Academy Charter School;
Miss Africa USA Scholarship Pageant.
The theme for this year's program is
"Clayton County; Above Color; Beyond Politics;
A Community United."
The mission of the supported non-profits is to help provide services throughout the Clayton County Community. Last year we had over 1,800 guests and performers. All proceeds will go towards community based projects and events.
Tickets are scheduled to go on sale March 18th and may be purchased from the non-profits listed.
Admission is $10 (Limited complimentary tickets are available to non-profit groups providing services to children and seniors in Clayton County). Tickets may also be purchased at the Performing Arts Center (www.co.clayton.k12.ga.us/pac) (770-473-2875) the day of the show.
Doors open at 6pm. For ticket, or Ad information, you may contact Cheryl White (GRLI) at (678) 334-5855 or email at hitec678@yahoo.com or Marie Barber (GRLI) at 678-760-8500 or Janice Coye (ASC) at 770-603-4090.
For Sponsorship information contact Rev. Mike Glanton at (678) 479-7730 or email: glantonm@bellsouth.net. For Clayton 4-H you may contact Kim Siebert at (770) 473-3945 or email: ksiebert@uga.edu
Radio Personality, Celebrity Guest MC and local gospel recording artist Liz Yancey and Inspirational Speaker, Author,
Entrepreneur, Angela Lewis, will serve as Mistresses of Ceremony.
• MbondAfrika Loving Heart, African drum and dance
• Korean Dance
• Corda De Ouro - Brazil Capoier
• Eve Hao Chinese Dance
• Luika Ame Hoaloha Hawaian Dance
• Khomar Bollywood Indian Dance
Celebrity Guest from "America's Got Talent" DAVID MILITELLO And Eastern Pop Artist AARTHI KUMAR
In the LOBBY
• Clayton News Daily;
• Country Inn & Suites (Morrow);
• Stevi B's Pizza (Stockbridge)
• Global Teachers Research and Resources Inc.
• Former State Representative Mike Glanton
This diversified family event promises to be a spectacular.