AM: Is it hard to maintain a relationship when you’re on the road?
LIRA: No because my husband is also my manager so we travel together and are able to spend time with each other regularly. Everything in my life is scheduled. I find that this is the only way that I can fit everything in. You tend to make time for the things that matter the most to you. I work and travel with my husband so this makes my family life a little easier.
AM; Any words of wisdom for all our aspiring singers out there?
LIRA: I would say honor thyself and never compromise on your beliefs. Take everyone’s advice into consideration and respect that as much as your self. Know that the final decision must be yours as you are responsible for yourself and the messaging and decisions you represent and put out there. When you don’t know, follow your heart but exercise every thought and pay attention to every detail. Once you’ve done that double and triple and quadruple check - oversight can be the undoing of many a good idea.
AM: Thank you Lira for this wonderful interview. We wish you plenty of success.
For more information on Lira, visit her site at: