Interview with Marianne Ilunga – Stylissima Fashion consulting
MARIANNE Ilunga’s love for fashion started at an early age. Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, she remembers spending valuable time with her godmother who was a dressmaker. She collected fashion magazines as a hobby and spent time sketching several styles she believed would eventually come to life. Her parents decided it would be a great idea to let her attend a fashion magnet high school. Shortly before graduation the Congo experienced some political turmoil, so Marianne accepted the great opportunity to move to the United States.
Sexual Affairs: To Tell or Not To Tell?
How honest can we be in relationships? This is a common concern among couples striving for intimate relationships.
Couples often discuss the importance of being honest and truthful within their relationships. A common question I’m asked is: “Should I tell my partner about a sexual affair”.
Christiane King Dressing Up Hollywood
Our girl CK is making her presence known in Hollywood’s celebrity list, dressing up the finest and newest actresses with her Christiane King Collection. I guess Project Runway 7 judges were wrong by eliminating this talented Ivory Coast lady from their show.
Christiane King: Project Runway 7 (Exclusive Interview)
Recently, Christiane had the opportunity to showcase her great fashion skills on the well-known show Project Runway Season 7, where she was among sixteen great fashion designers. unfortunately her stay was cut short when she was selected as the first designer to be eliminated on the competition.
In the following exclusive interview, Christiane discusses her presence on Project Runway and what she took out of this experience.
Health Reform: Putting Americans in Control of Their Health Care
THE HEALTH REFORM LEGISLATION has been signed into law by president Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010 . The Reform will make health care more affordable, make health insurers more accountable, expand health coverage to all Americans, and make the health system sustainable, stabilizing family budgets, the Federal budget, and the economy
Your Hearts. Your Choice
Every 37 seconds, someone dies from heart and blood vessel diseases, America’s No. 1 killer. Since most of those deaths are from coronary heart disease-about 446,000 each year-it’s important to learn all you can about heart attacks. Don’t ignore heart problems. It’s a matter of life and death!
Interview – Joelle K. Allen
Her dream started at an early age, 13 exactly. With the inspiration from her mother, Joelle K. Allen left the Congo in pursuit of her...
Nöella Coursaris Musunka – AFRICAN SUPERMODEL
Interview with Congolese supermodel Noella Coursaris Musunka.