Why African Teams Never Make It To The World Cup
THE WORLD CUP is being played in Africa this year, and it’s about time. African players have been prominent in global club football for decades now — as many as 1,000 of them play in Europe — and only a bureaucratic inside job ensured that the 2006 tournament went to Germany when South Africa had been widely expected to get the nod from FIFA, the governing body of world soccer.
FIFA Madness: Historical Date for Africa and Africans Around The Globe
IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS we will be experiencing History in the Making, as South Africa becomes the first African country to host the FIFA World Cup on African soil. This is a moment of rejoicing not just for one country, but for an entire continent who has waited many years for this day to come.
GENERALLY, I TRY TO STAY AWAY from Natural on Tanzanian issues and keep to writing essays on subjects that interest me. However, on this issue, the issue of Tanzanian women going wild in the Americas I feel an investment to say my two pennies piece.
Visions for ICT enabled rural Tanzania
Growing up in Tanzania was a mixture of fun and pains. I was born in a small village called Mowo. The village like
all others in Kilimanjaro , Tanzania was deprived of basic infrastructure. Water was clean if it was from a well-left open. The roads were untarred. . Roofs were mostly mad from grasses, which had to be replaced every year.